
W32.Jeefo杰夫病毒的手工查杀 - 电脑安全 - 电脑教程网


日期:2006-07-17   荐:

  朋友今天中了一个病毒W32.Jeefo,病毒可以让文件空间变大,并且病毒的传染性很高,牵扯的面积也很广 有的朋友可能首先想到的是杀毒软件,比如瑞星,但是我们有一点没有考虑到,杀毒软件的功能是直接清除病毒或者 隔离,但是如果直接清除可能会损坏一些文件,而且朋友的个人服务器以及编写了1个月的程序都感染了该病毒,所以 更不能那样做。考虑的是能是先找下专杀,或者考虑找到病毒的资料然后去手动杀毒,有了这个思路以后我开始进行 杀毒措施了。 打开了瑞星官方网站寻找了下病毒库的资料,没有找到这个病毒的资料。郁闷啊,怎么连 瑞星的杀不了?别的杀毒软件我也没有去试。直接到了百度搜索,经过一些了解,知道了病毒的名字叫“杰 夫”杰夫病毒是个在内存下的病毒,如果运行了该病毒,会自身拷贝到windows根目录下并且命名为“svchost. exe %WinDir%/svchost.exe,然后在注册表中添一个键值 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/RunServices]"PowerManager" = "%Windir%/svchost.exe" 每次重起这个病毒的副本都将随着运行,病毒查找受感染计算机的逻辑分区中以exe为扩展名的win32 PE可执行 文件,感染的文件大小增加36352个字节。 看到了病毒的介绍心里有了点认识,这个介绍是卡巴斯基发出来的,但是没有找到专杀工具,郁闷. 看来只能手工了,根据病毒的情况问了些人,在火狐技术论坛发了帖,林哥给了我些帮助工具 下载 解?方案: Running Trend Micro Fix Tool To completely remove this virus, PE_JEEFO.A, download the fix tool supplied at our site. Identifying the Malware Program Scan your system with Trend Micro antivirus and NOTE all files detected as PE_JEEFO.A. To do this, Trend Micro customers must download the latest pattern file and scan their system. Other email users can use HouseCall, Trend Micro’s free online virus scanner. Terminating the Malware Program This procedure terminates the running malware process from memory. You will need the name(s) of the file(s) detected earlier. Open Windows Task Manager. On Windows 95/98/ME systems, press CTRL ALT DELETE On Windows NT/2000/XP systems, press CTRL SHIFT ESC, then click the Processes tab. In the list of running programs*, locate the malware file or files detected earlier. Select one of the detected files, then press either the End Task or the End Process button, depending on the version of Windows on your system. Do the same for all detected malware files in the list of running processes. To check if the malware process has been terminated, close Task Manager, and then open it again. Close Task Manager. *NOTE: On systems running Windows 95/98/ME, Task Manager may not show certain processes. You may use a third party process viewer to terminate the malware process. Otherwise, continue with the next procedure, noting additional instructions. Removing Autostart Entries from the Registry Removing autostart entries from the registry prevents the malware from executing during startup. Open Registry Editor. To do this, click Start>Run, type REGEDIT, then press Enter. In the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>Software>Microsoft> Windows>CurrentVersion>RunServices In the right panel, locate and delete the entry or entries: PowerManager = ?Windows%/SVCHOST.EXE? Note:%Windows% refers to the default Windows directory, which is usually C:/Windows or C:/WINNT. Close Registry Editor. NOTE: If you were not able to terminate the malware process from memory as described in the previous procedure, restart your system. Disabling Malware Service This stops the running malware service on systems running Windows NT, 2000, and XP. Open a command prompt window. Click Start>Run, type CMD, and then press the Enter. At the command prompt, type the following: NET STOP ?owerManager?/b> Press Enter. A message should indicate that the service has been stopped successfully. Close the command prompt window. Removing Malware Service Information Open Registry Editor. To do this, click Start>Run, type REGEDIT, then press Enter. In the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>System> CurrentControlSet>Services Still in the left panel, locate and delete the following key: PowerManager Close Registry Editor. 看了很长时间由于英语水平有限,所以看明白了一些,总结了一下 1:禁止使用系统还原 2:重启到VGA模式或安全模式 3:运行norton的病毒扫描程序,进行全盘杀毒,如果检测到任何病毒,删 4:进入注册表备份下 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE//SOFTWARE//Microsoft//Windows//CurrentVersion//RUN 把右边的值:"PowerManager"="%windir%//svchost.exe" 删掉然后重起 忘了说一点,弄好了以后一定要记住去打个win32的补丁啊 这次弄这个病毒费了很大的劲,因为我用瑞星习惯了. 从这次杀毒我想以后要多学下注册表的知识了,因为很多病毒需要去注册表里杀,杀毒软件 虽然可以杀病毒,但是很可能造成一些损失.如果会手工杀的话就好了.
